Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Is About - Christ
He was born in the humblest of settings, yet heaven above was filled with the songs of angels. His birthplace was a cattle shed, yet a star brought the rich and noble from thousands of miles away to worship Him. His birth was contrary to the laws of life and His death was contrary to the laws of death, yet no miracle is greater than His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection and His teachings. He had no cornfields or fisheries, yet He spread a table for 5,000 and had bread and fish to spare. He never stood on expensive carpeting, yet He walked on the waters and they supported Him. His crucifixion was the crime of crimes, yet from God's perspective no less a price could have made possible our redemption. When He died, few mourned His passing, yet God hung a black cape over the sun. Those who crucified Him did not tremble at what they'd done, yet the earth shook under them. Sin never touched Him. Corruption could not get hold of His body. The soil that was reddened with His blood could not claim His dust. For over three years He preached the gospel. He wrote no book, He had no headquarters and He built no organisation. Yet two thousand years later He's the central figure of human history, the perpetual theme of all preaching, the pivot around which the ages revolve, and the only redeemer of the human race. At this season of celebration and gift-giving, let's join the wise men who '... fell down and worshipped him... '(Matthew 2:11NKJV)
Let's remember, Christmas is about - Christ!
Let's remember, Christmas is about - Christ!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Keep Your Hope Alive
Hope is a powerful force. It arouses your mind to explore every possible angle. It enables you to overcome the daunting obstacles. It's absolutely essential to the life God wants you to live. It's the fuel your heart runs on. It's the single biggest difference between those who persevere and those who give up. Hope is what makes couples say, 'I do,' without any guarantees, and later, after all the broken promises, pick up the pieces and try again knowing it can get better. It's why composers agonize over a score and artists over a canvas, believing some glimmer of beauty will emerge from the struggle. As an old man Henri Matisse was crippled with agonizing arthritis. When asked why he continued to wrap his swollen fingers around a brush every day he replied, 'The pain goes away; the beauty endures.' Laboring to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo grew so discouraged that he wanted to quit. But every morning hope pushed him up the ladder to fulfill his magnificent vision. Hope is what made Abraham leave home without knowing where God was taking him. It made Paul challenge the powers of Rome. It's what fueled the Old Testament prophets to keep taking on City Hall! This is not blind optimism, but faith focused, and hope-in God. '... You have been my hope... my confidence since my youth' (Psalm 71:5 NIV). You can survive the loss of many things, but not the loss of hope. Nobody experienced greater loss than Job, yet he wrote: 'Having hope will give you courage.' So keep your hope alive by trusting in God!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Our Christmas Party is
ON Thursday December 16th @9:15 AM
The Venue is,Room 550 Calvary Church Naperville, IL 60564
ON Thursday December 16th @9:15 AM
The Venue is,Room 550 Calvary Church Naperville, IL 60564
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
MOMS Christmas PartyDecember
Jie Liang
Friday, December 03 at 07:00 PM
Rose Block's House
Contact Jie Liang for more information
Jie Liang
Friday, December 03 at 07:00 PM
Rose Block's House
Contact Jie Liang for more information
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (NIV)
Nothing in your life to give thanks for? You can find something.
We all have uncountable blessings if we are willing to look. However, we can get so buried in the darkness and buried in the dark times we forget to count, we forget to look, and we forget we must make an effort. What we often fail to do is appreciate what is right before us. Living a life full of thanksgiving should be one of the primary tasks of your heart and soul. Living a life full of thanksgiving must be done with intent and with purpose. Living a life full of thanksgiving is not something that just happens to you. To be proactive in all godly things means you meet the darkness before the darkness meets you by being thankful. In the heart of God from whom all blessings flow, you can always find uncountable and innumerable blessings for which you can give thanks. In the heart of God are all blessings. When you say, "Please Lord, let your blessings be in me" then He will answer you and He will pour out His blessings upon you
Nothing in your life to give thanks for? You can find something.
We all have uncountable blessings if we are willing to look. However, we can get so buried in the darkness and buried in the dark times we forget to count, we forget to look, and we forget we must make an effort. What we often fail to do is appreciate what is right before us. Living a life full of thanksgiving should be one of the primary tasks of your heart and soul. Living a life full of thanksgiving must be done with intent and with purpose. Living a life full of thanksgiving is not something that just happens to you. To be proactive in all godly things means you meet the darkness before the darkness meets you by being thankful. In the heart of God from whom all blessings flow, you can always find uncountable and innumerable blessings for which you can give thanks. In the heart of God are all blessings. When you say, "Please Lord, let your blessings be in me" then He will answer you and He will pour out His blessings upon you
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Don't Strike Back!
"If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also." - Matthew 5:39 NLT
Do you feel taken for granted? You thought they cared about you, but they were just 'using' you. That's what happens when we put our lives into the hands of people. Men and women are not creators; they can't make anything out of us, they can only use us. You snapped at your kids. You yelled at a co-worker. You screamed at the driver who cut you off. You fought with your mate again, now you're pouring out your frustrations to anybody who'll listen. Ever think that perhaps your anger is just a by-product of the resentment you've allowed to invade your soul? That's hard to acknowledge, but you won't get on top of the situation till you do. The answer's not to take it out on those around you, it's to take it to the Lord in prayer and let Him help you. It's got to start on the inside before it shows outside. That means spending time with God, allowing Him to forgive your resentments, remove your pain, heal your memories and enable you to love; as He loves. And that's a job for God. Don't try it without Him! Why don't you pray this prayer: 'Father, I want to act in love, not react in anger. Instead of being short-tempered and striking back, help me to be patient and turn the other cheek. Today let Your love rule my life, for Christ's sake, amen.' That's a prayer God will answer, for His Word says, '... Above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins"' (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV
Do you feel taken for granted? You thought they cared about you, but they were just 'using' you. That's what happens when we put our lives into the hands of people. Men and women are not creators; they can't make anything out of us, they can only use us. You snapped at your kids. You yelled at a co-worker. You screamed at the driver who cut you off. You fought with your mate again, now you're pouring out your frustrations to anybody who'll listen. Ever think that perhaps your anger is just a by-product of the resentment you've allowed to invade your soul? That's hard to acknowledge, but you won't get on top of the situation till you do. The answer's not to take it out on those around you, it's to take it to the Lord in prayer and let Him help you. It's got to start on the inside before it shows outside. That means spending time with God, allowing Him to forgive your resentments, remove your pain, heal your memories and enable you to love; as He loves. And that's a job for God. Don't try it without Him! Why don't you pray this prayer: 'Father, I want to act in love, not react in anger. Instead of being short-tempered and striking back, help me to be patient and turn the other cheek. Today let Your love rule my life, for Christ's sake, amen.' That's a prayer God will answer, for His Word says, '... Above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins"' (1 Peter 4:8 NKJV
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
November 4--------Meeting:How to stretch your Dollar
November 5--------Moms Night Out@ Brunswick bowling alley in Naperville
November 11-------Restoration time/Play date
November 18-------Meeting: Teaching Your Child to be Grateful
December 2--------Meeting:Keeping Christ in Christmas
December 3--------Moms Night Out-Christmas Party@ Rose Block's House
December 9--------Restoration Time/Play date
December 16-------Christmas Party
November 5--------Moms Night Out@ Brunswick bowling alley in Naperville
November 11-------Restoration time/Play date
November 18-------Meeting: Teaching Your Child to be Grateful
December 2--------Meeting:Keeping Christ in Christmas
December 3--------Moms Night Out-Christmas Party@ Rose Block's House
December 9--------Restoration Time/Play date
December 16-------Christmas Party
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's A Sure Thing
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life... " - Psalm 23:6 NKJV
Let's break this Scripture down: 'Surely goodness and mercy.' People may disappoint you, but God's goodness and mercy are sure things! 'With [God] there is never the slightest variation or shadow of inconsistency' (James 1:17 PHPS). Our devotion to God may falter, but His devotion to us never does: 'If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful... ' (2 Timothy 2:13 NLT). David didn't say, 'maybe, possibly, I hope so, I've a hunch'. No, he said, 'Surely' and that's a promise you can stand on. 'Shall follow me.' That sounds like another promise God made to His people: 'all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee... ' (Deuteronomy 28:2). Note the words: 'follow... come on... overtake'. You can't get away from them! God's goodness and mercy followed Jonah to the bottom of the sea, Daniel into the lions' den, and John into exile, opening heaven to him. Stop and look back. Think of the scrapes God's brought you through, the messes He's helped clean up, the doors He's opened, and what do you see? Blessings you don't deserve, can't escape, and are new every morning. With God, it's a sure thing! 'All the days of my life.' Think of the days ahead and what do you see? Days at home raising a family? Days in a dead-end job, struggling to get ahead? Days of loneliness and poor health? Days of caring for a sick loved one? Days of battling disappointment and depression? 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.' Goodness to provide, and mercy to pardon; you'll never have a day without them!
Let's break this Scripture down: 'Surely goodness and mercy.' People may disappoint you, but God's goodness and mercy are sure things! 'With [God] there is never the slightest variation or shadow of inconsistency' (James 1:17 PHPS). Our devotion to God may falter, but His devotion to us never does: 'If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful... ' (2 Timothy 2:13 NLT). David didn't say, 'maybe, possibly, I hope so, I've a hunch'. No, he said, 'Surely' and that's a promise you can stand on. 'Shall follow me.' That sounds like another promise God made to His people: 'all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee... ' (Deuteronomy 28:2). Note the words: 'follow... come on... overtake'. You can't get away from them! God's goodness and mercy followed Jonah to the bottom of the sea, Daniel into the lions' den, and John into exile, opening heaven to him. Stop and look back. Think of the scrapes God's brought you through, the messes He's helped clean up, the doors He's opened, and what do you see? Blessings you don't deserve, can't escape, and are new every morning. With God, it's a sure thing! 'All the days of my life.' Think of the days ahead and what do you see? Days at home raising a family? Days in a dead-end job, struggling to get ahead? Days of loneliness and poor health? Days of caring for a sick loved one? Days of battling disappointment and depression? 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.' Goodness to provide, and mercy to pardon; you'll never have a day without them!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Trust God! Trust God! Trust God!
Hard times energise some people, yet paralyse others. Look at David. Everything he touched turned to gold: Samuel anointed him to be king; he defeated Goliath; Saul chose him as a musician and warrior; the army loved him and wrote songs about him. Then his life fell apart. He lost his job and his marriage failed; Samuel his old mentor died; his best friend Jonathan couldn't help him, and Saul's soldiers hounded him until he had to hide in a cave. At some point we all do time in the cave! It's where you end up when all your earthy supports are gone. It's where you learn important things about yourself that you can't learn anywhere else. It's where God does some of His best work in moulding you into the likeness of Christ. It's where your worst inadequacies confirm that you're out of your depth, and where God sends His power to flow through your weakness. When David prayed, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living,' he'd no way of knowing there was a crown in his future, or that he wasn't going to die in hiding. For all he knew, this cave he was in right now might be as good as it gets. When you're in a situation you can't fix, can't change and can't escape, trust God! Trust God! Trust God! As long as your sense of security is tied solely to your success, it'll always be fragile. But when you know that God is with you even at your lowest point, you can handle the cave and come out stronger!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dr. James Dobson writes: "I attended a wedding in a beautiful garden setting in which 150 colourful helium balloons were released into the California sky. Within seconds they were scattered across the heavens - some rising hundreds of feet, others cruising toward the horizon. They all began from the same launching pad, were filled with the same helium, and ascended into the same conditions. Yet within minutes they were separated by a mile or more. A few balloons struggled to clear the upper branches of trees, while the show-offs became mere pinpoints of colour on their journey to the sky. How interesting, I thought - and how symbolic of children."
Parent, you help determine how high your child will rise. So: (a) Create the right climate in your home. The words you speak, the order you establish, the music and television programmes you allow, are moulding their character and their future. If you're too busy to notice these things - you're too busy! (b) Give them the right mentors. Ruth followed Naomi. Timothy followed Paul. Your children are going to follow someone. The question is, who? Your best defences against destructive influences are offensive teaching and a Christ-like example. Read God's Word to them each day. Pray over them - and with them. Do it! Don't be shy. The molester and drug dealer are not shy. Speak up! You can't improve on the words of Pharaoh's daughter, given to Moses' mother as she saved her son from the waters of the Nile that would have consumed him. "Take this child home and nurse him for me… I will pay you for your help."
Parent, you have no greater responsibility! And if you do it right, you'll have no greater reward
Parent, you help determine how high your child will rise. So: (a) Create the right climate in your home. The words you speak, the order you establish, the music and television programmes you allow, are moulding their character and their future. If you're too busy to notice these things - you're too busy! (b) Give them the right mentors. Ruth followed Naomi. Timothy followed Paul. Your children are going to follow someone. The question is, who? Your best defences against destructive influences are offensive teaching and a Christ-like example. Read God's Word to them each day. Pray over them - and with them. Do it! Don't be shy. The molester and drug dealer are not shy. Speak up! You can't improve on the words of Pharaoh's daughter, given to Moses' mother as she saved her son from the waters of the Nile that would have consumed him. "Take this child home and nurse him for me… I will pay you for your help."
Parent, you have no greater responsibility! And if you do it right, you'll have no greater reward
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Message from Rose
As we enter into another year of M.O.M.S. we do so with great excitement and anticipation of what God is going to do in and through us. Our theme this year is living life with Purpose and Passion. As moms, we are called to one of the most important, yet difficult jobs on this side of heaven. God wants us not only to survive these years, but to enjoy the journey of motherhood. Merely going through the motions is not an option in His book. He wants to give us an abundant life. As we seek after Him with our whole heart, His joy becomes our joy and His strength our strength. His plan becomes our destiny.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a perfect plan for our lives. He knows everything about each one of us and cares more than anyone else for our well-being. In this great plan we can find hope for our future. That plan, however, will only come to pass if we cooperate with God and not stray from His will. He calls us to do our part. He will not impose His plan on our lives without our cooperation.
In order to reach our full potential as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and/or friends we should strive to cooperate with God every single day of our lives. We should be growing and learning with every new day the Lord brings to us. We must deepen our relationship with the Lord and with those people He puts in our path.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly do not want to miss out on a single good gift from above. I encourage you to seek God and the plan He has for your life. Join us this year at M.O.M.S. on a mission to discover the deepest degree of purpose and passion any women can have in her life.
Blessings to you all,
As we enter into another year of M.O.M.S. we do so with great excitement and anticipation of what God is going to do in and through us. Our theme this year is living life with Purpose and Passion. As moms, we are called to one of the most important, yet difficult jobs on this side of heaven. God wants us not only to survive these years, but to enjoy the journey of motherhood. Merely going through the motions is not an option in His book. He wants to give us an abundant life. As we seek after Him with our whole heart, His joy becomes our joy and His strength our strength. His plan becomes our destiny.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has a perfect plan for our lives. He knows everything about each one of us and cares more than anyone else for our well-being. In this great plan we can find hope for our future. That plan, however, will only come to pass if we cooperate with God and not stray from His will. He calls us to do our part. He will not impose His plan on our lives without our cooperation.
In order to reach our full potential as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and/or friends we should strive to cooperate with God every single day of our lives. We should be growing and learning with every new day the Lord brings to us. We must deepen our relationship with the Lord and with those people He puts in our path.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly do not want to miss out on a single good gift from above. I encourage you to seek God and the plan He has for your life. Join us this year at M.O.M.S. on a mission to discover the deepest degree of purpose and passion any women can have in her life.
Blessings to you all,
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