Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Another great meeting with a delicious breakfast buffet -- thanks again moms!! Karen shared some ideas from the Hearts at Home conference which was attended by many of our moms. The entire CD collection was brought back to be shared with each mom and we will have a sign out sheet available for the next meeting. Some of the topics from the classes are "Keep the siblings, Lose the Rivalry"; "De-stressing without Distress"; "When Teens Rebel"; and many many more - 36 topics in total! What a resource this will be -- thanks to Hearts at Home and their dedication to educating moms.

We participated in an icebreaking activity and found some things we had in common with other moms -- it was awesome to see that no matter the age we all found things in common!

We completed an individualized "First Aid Kit" under the direction of our craft coordinator! We used pencil boxes and filled them with everything a mom may need for those little emergencies. Melissa even gave us ideas to use these boxes as well for travel kits, restaurant kits, etc. You can fill them with crayons and coloring pages to take to a restaurant or when travelling in the car - use your imagination and customize them for your own child(ren)!