M.O.M.S.(Mother’s Offering Mutual Support)
May 11, 2006 - May 24, 2007
With the desire and dedication to bring a moms group to Calvary Church, M.O.M.S. held its first meeting on May 11, 2006. God faithfully set everything in motion to ensure that we had all the support we needed to begin such an endeavor. The enthusiasm and support of many moms that stepped into leadership roles made this ministry a reality.
Our mission statement is simple – Celebrate the season of motherhood. Providing support, encouragement and wisdom by partnering with other mothers and mentors. Our foundational scripture is "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 and "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Our first year has been a testament to God’s covering of this ministry and our dependance and surrender to His guidance and wisdom. We truly give God the praise and glory for the success of our inaugural year. We would like to share some of the comments from the moms that were impacted by M.O.M.S.
"I never imagined that I would be touched by so many women in such a short period of time. I do believe that God placed Karen at my table in Bible study for a reason. I was at a low period in my life and needed some support/answers/guidance. Karen was there for me, she had faith in me that I could be a mentor in the MOMS group. It was at this time that God picked me up out of the desert and placed me with such incredible women of faith, and that helped me get to where I am today. I am truly blessed by all the leaders of MOMS group." Kelly
"What M.O.M.S group means to me: A safe place in which to share frustrations, joys, concerns regarding being a wife and mother. Much needed fellowship, without any kids! Most important, the prayer support and encouragement from other mom's in the group. Thank you for the courage to start up this new group. It has meant a lot to me." Heather
So many times, I feel like I fall short. Perfection? I'll settle for competence in just a couple of my varied roles as a woman, wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter. Walking into Room 235 on Thursday mornings. the pressures of life seems to fall away just for a couple of hours. It feels great to walk into a room full of familiar faces knowing that these women, they understand like no one else can. I also love the fact that I come away from every MOMS Group meeting feeling just a little more whole. If my husband, kids, neighbors, customers sees me as a little kinder, a bit wiser and a little more encouraging, it's because I have taken away just a bit of the kindness, wisdom and encouragement from the other Mothers Offering Mutual Support. I very much appreciate that being a part of MOMS Group helps me connect with wonderful women in sometimes unexpected, but always meaningful ways.
Thanks Karen for helping to bring together this amazing group of women who remind me that it's all about connecting to other people. To sit, slow down and listen again, for I still have so much to learn. Much admiration. Joy
The great thing about MOMS is that it is accomplishing what it was supposed to--giving support to Moms! MOMS is really a kind of extended family. Even those that don't know each other will reach out during times of trials or celebrations. It's nice to know that I have people I can count on. Also, being part of the group makes me want to reach out to others more. Whether we are having serious discussion, prayer, or laughing during crafts, I know everyone is there to lift each other up. The best part is that this is just the beginning! Thank you, Karen for starting such a wonderful group. Alison
Friday, May 25, 2007

Thursday, May 24 we celebrated our one year anniversary together with a clothing exchange and thank you ceremony for our leaders and childcare workers. What an awesome breakfast buffet we had which was catered by Tasha from Calvary's very own Food Service Ministry! We were served Egg Strata, Hashbrown casserole, Praline french toast, fresh fruit, mini bagels with cream cheese, coffee, juice and water. To top it off we had a 7 layer chocolate cake for dessert.
It was such a special day and we had racks and racks of clothing to choose from. Thank you so much to all of you who made this year a great success! TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Conference Worshop CDs for Moms
I am posting the information for the CDs that we have available from the Hearts at Home Conference. You can sign them out at our meetings. For the summer months I will keep them at home so that you can have access to them. Feel free to sign several of them out over the summer --
Hearts at Home Conference Workshops 2007
CD # -----Topic Title ------------Speaker
A -----Introduction: General ------Jill Savage
B -----Introduction: General -------Lisa Whelchel
101 --- De-stressing without Distress -------Julie Baker
102 ---Making Time For God ----------Julie Baker
103 ---Going Deeper Still ----------Julie Ann Barnhill
104 ---One Tough Mother ---------Julie Ann Barnhill
105 ---Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry ---------Dr. Todd Cartmell
106 ---Raising Respectful Kids ---------Dr. Todd Cartmell
107 ---Lean, Healthy Moms - Strong, Healthy Kids ----------Danna Demetre
108 ---The Balancing Act ------Danna Demetre
109 ---The Heat is On: an unexpected opportunity to be a Mom - AGAIN! -----Danna Demetre
110 ---Finding JOY! in Motherhood ---------Jenn Doucette
111 ---Velveteen Mommies --------Jenn Doucette
112 ---A Life That Says, "Welcome": Simple Ways to Open your Heart and Home to Others -------Karen Ehman
113 ---The Bylaws of In-Laws and Outlaws ----------Karen Ehman
114 ---Establishing Your Children In the Word ----------Cheryl Eliason
115 ---Winning the Chore War ---------Cheryl Eliason
116 ---The Mom I Want to Be --------Suzie Eller
117 ---Why Doesn’t My Teen Talk to Me? ----------Suzie Eller
118 ---Leaving the Legacy ----------Sue Heimer
119 ---When Teens Rebel ---------Sue Heimer
120 --How to Talk and Listen to Your Child or Teen -----Donna Jones
121 ---Taming Your Family Zoo ----------Donna Jones
122 ---Christian MySpace Alternatives ----------Connie Neal
123 ---The MySpace Dilemma: Making Confident Decisions about Social Networking----- Connie Neal
124 ---Ages and Stages of Early Development ---------Brenda Nixon
125 ---Understanding Your Child’s Temperament ----------Brenda Nixon
126 ---Connecting Women ---------Janee Penfield
127 ---Your Closet: Friend or Foe? -----------Janee Penfield
128 ---Heaven at Home -----------Ginger Plowman
129 ---What Lies Beneath: Getting to the Heart of Anger in Children ----Ginger Plowman
130 ---Making the Most of Your Moms Group: Leadership Principles -----Jill Savage
131 ---Redefining Romance ---------Jill Savage
132 ---Building Self Esteem in Your Child ----------Dr. Julianna Slattery
133 ---No More Headaches! Renewing Intimacy in Your Marriage------ Dr. Julianna Slattery
134 ---Power of a Purpose Driven Mom --------Renee Swope
135 ---Speak Lord, I’m Listening --------Renee Swope
136 ---Creative Correction ---------Lisa Whelchel
Hearts at Home Conference Workshops 2007
CD # -----Topic Title ------------Speaker
A -----Introduction: General ------Jill Savage
B -----Introduction: General -------Lisa Whelchel
101 --- De-stressing without Distress -------Julie Baker
102 ---Making Time For God ----------Julie Baker
103 ---Going Deeper Still ----------Julie Ann Barnhill
104 ---One Tough Mother ---------Julie Ann Barnhill
105 ---Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry ---------Dr. Todd Cartmell
106 ---Raising Respectful Kids ---------Dr. Todd Cartmell
107 ---Lean, Healthy Moms - Strong, Healthy Kids ----------Danna Demetre
108 ---The Balancing Act ------Danna Demetre
109 ---The Heat is On: an unexpected opportunity to be a Mom - AGAIN! -----Danna Demetre
110 ---Finding JOY! in Motherhood ---------Jenn Doucette
111 ---Velveteen Mommies --------Jenn Doucette
112 ---A Life That Says, "Welcome": Simple Ways to Open your Heart and Home to Others -------Karen Ehman
113 ---The Bylaws of In-Laws and Outlaws ----------Karen Ehman
114 ---Establishing Your Children In the Word ----------Cheryl Eliason
115 ---Winning the Chore War ---------Cheryl Eliason
116 ---The Mom I Want to Be --------Suzie Eller
117 ---Why Doesn’t My Teen Talk to Me? ----------Suzie Eller
118 ---Leaving the Legacy ----------Sue Heimer
119 ---When Teens Rebel ---------Sue Heimer
120 --How to Talk and Listen to Your Child or Teen -----Donna Jones
121 ---Taming Your Family Zoo ----------Donna Jones
122 ---Christian MySpace Alternatives ----------Connie Neal
123 ---The MySpace Dilemma: Making Confident Decisions about Social Networking----- Connie Neal
124 ---Ages and Stages of Early Development ---------Brenda Nixon
125 ---Understanding Your Child’s Temperament ----------Brenda Nixon
126 ---Connecting Women ---------Janee Penfield
127 ---Your Closet: Friend or Foe? -----------Janee Penfield
128 ---Heaven at Home -----------Ginger Plowman
129 ---What Lies Beneath: Getting to the Heart of Anger in Children ----Ginger Plowman
130 ---Making the Most of Your Moms Group: Leadership Principles -----Jill Savage
131 ---Redefining Romance ---------Jill Savage
132 ---Building Self Esteem in Your Child ----------Dr. Julianna Slattery
133 ---No More Headaches! Renewing Intimacy in Your Marriage------ Dr. Julianna Slattery
134 ---Power of a Purpose Driven Mom --------Renee Swope
135 ---Speak Lord, I’m Listening --------Renee Swope
136 ---Creative Correction ---------Lisa Whelchel
Kelly overlooking a craft project...
Another fantastic time of fellowship and sharing. We had once again an amazing array of breakfast items just when you think it is at its best it gets even better. Thank you so much to all of you who bless us with your culinary talents, it is greatly appreciated.
Kelly was our speaker this week and I should have brought along boxes of Kleenex to share for there were plenty of wet eyes and sniffling going on! What a powerful message of God's faithfulness and the miracles God performed in her life. For those who could not make it, Kelly has battled cancer having been first diagnosed in 2000 after having her first child. She had breast cancer which was treated and in 2004 she had a reaccurance of cancer found in several areas liver, bone and then her brain. We are believing for a cancer free body!! Praise God. Thank you Kelly for sharing your story with us, as difficult as it may have been, it truly touched each and everyone of us.
Our last meeting of the year is May 24th which will be coupled with a mom's clothing exchange and a celebration of our first year in this ministry. Special thanks to all of you moms who have worked so hard to make this group successful by sharing your lives and hearts with all our moms.
Kelly was our speaker this week and I should have brought along boxes of Kleenex to share for there were plenty of wet eyes and sniffling going on! What a powerful message of God's faithfulness and the miracles God performed in her life. For those who could not make it, Kelly has battled cancer having been first diagnosed in 2000 after having her first child. She had breast cancer which was treated and in 2004 she had a reaccurance of cancer found in several areas liver, bone and then her brain. We are believing for a cancer free body!! Praise God. Thank you Kelly for sharing your story with us, as difficult as it may have been, it truly touched each and everyone of us.
Our last meeting of the year is May 24th which will be coupled with a mom's clothing exchange and a celebration of our first year in this ministry. Special thanks to all of you moms who have worked so hard to make this group successful by sharing your lives and hearts with all our moms.
Monday, May 7, 2007

Kelly hosted this Moms' Night out and what a fun night it was........taking a step back in time and remembering this special time in our life was awesome -- the brides looked amazing (and, of course, still do)! Once we all had our plates full with delicious deserts, we began with the wedding videos, then proceeded to the wedding albums.....WOW.... the gorgeous dresses and handsome grooms. We then played Wedding Jeopardy divided into 4 categories: Ceremony, Bridal Shower, Reception and Honeymoon. We split into 2 groups and the winning team picked the person for final jeopardy. Alison won the prize. A big box of 3M goodies. We played more games, then began the storytelling of how each bride met their husband, and how we all got engaged. The evening ended at 11:35 p.m. You know how girls like to talk....... Enjoy the pictures!
Thursday, May 3, 2007

We had a great painting day for baby Benjamin. Thank you to our painting moms who helped Danielle get the room ready for baby to be! We had a great day and a wonderful lunch together. Sandy and Danielle even got an opportunity to assemble the baby stroller. It was a great time getting to know each other better and putting our talents to a great cause. We will post finished pictures when the room is completed! Kelly looked so sporty in her blue hat and hopefully will not be too sore tomorrow from all the rolling! Maybe this would be a good time for a massage.
In an attempt to celebrate the season of motherhood and foster relationships with other moms we have planned a Mom's Night Out for you. Please plan to attend one of our scheduled nights out:
- FRIDAY, MAY 4TH - Wedding Celebration - hosted by Kelly
- FRIDAY, JUNE 1ST - Sleepover & PJ Party - hosted by Sandy
Glad you joined us for our meeting on Thursday, April 26th. We had several new moms, Camille and Olivia, we are so happy you joined us. Once again, it was a breakfast table filled with all kinds of delights -- we have such great cooks among us!! We will have to put together a M.O.M.S. recipe book so that we can share all these great recipes. Anyone interest -- leave a comment a let me know!!
Shellie provided a creative activity -- Mother's Day cards! They were beautiful and the stamping was simple and easy to follow. Hopefully we will make more of these great cards in the future. I think we should put together a card workshop and make thank you, birthday, thinking of you cards, etc. We always need these on hand!
We only have two meeting left before the end of our first year together! At the May 10th meeting we will have Kelly speaking and sharing her testimony and on May 24 we will be having our first Mom's Clothing Exchange and Year-end Celebration! Please come and help us thank our many volunteers that contribute their time and heart to make this M.O.M.S. group a blessing to all.
Until next meeting, remember to celebrate the season of motherhood!
Shellie provided a creative activity -- Mother's Day cards! They were beautiful and the stamping was simple and easy to follow. Hopefully we will make more of these great cards in the future. I think we should put together a card workshop and make thank you, birthday, thinking of you cards, etc. We always need these on hand!
We only have two meeting left before the end of our first year together! At the May 10th meeting we will have Kelly speaking and sharing her testimony and on May 24 we will be having our first Mom's Clothing Exchange and Year-end Celebration! Please come and help us thank our many volunteers that contribute their time and heart to make this M.O.M.S. group a blessing to all.
Until next meeting, remember to celebrate the season of motherhood!
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