Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Kelly overlooking a craft project...
Another fantastic time of fellowship and sharing. We had once again an amazing array of breakfast items just when you think it is at its best it gets even better. Thank you so much to all of you who bless us with your culinary talents, it is greatly appreciated.

Kelly was our speaker this week and I should have brought along boxes of Kleenex to share for there were plenty of wet eyes and sniffling going on! What a powerful message of God's faithfulness and the miracles God performed in her life. For those who could not make it, Kelly has battled cancer having been first diagnosed in 2000 after having her first child. She had breast cancer which was treated and in 2004 she had a reaccurance of cancer found in several areas liver, bone and then her brain. We are believing for a cancer free body!! Praise God. Thank you Kelly for sharing your story with us, as difficult as it may have been, it truly touched each and everyone of us.

Our last meeting of the year is May 24th which will be coupled with a mom's clothing exchange and a celebration of our first year in this ministry. Special thanks to all of you moms who have worked so hard to make this group successful by sharing your lives and hearts with all our moms.