Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Night at the Painted Penguin

Mom's Night Out

About 20 moms took the opportunity to get out for the night and met at the Painted Penguin in the Fox Valley Mall. It was a cheep night out filled with lots of fun and fellowship. For a total of $6, each mom had the opportunity to paint a ceramic piece, enjoy unlimited pizza, salad and soda, and most importantly spend time fellowshipping together. It was great to see Nila and Sandy: two moms who used to attend the Thursday meetings but no longer come because of other commitments. Coffee at Caribou Coffee followed for those moms who could stay out a little later without turning into a pumpkin. A good time of sharing and caring was experienced by all who could attend.

As I listened to the mix of conversations going on in the room and viewed the different artistic abilities (my yellow smiley face compared to Stephanie's beautiful pink and purple detailed unicorn) I marveled at diversity of human beings God has created. Each one of us being special in our very own way. God has given us all talents and gifts to be used for His purpose. The bible tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that His works are wonderful (Psalms 139:14). It also tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. In His great plan for our life as a mom, He knew we were going to need help and I believe that is why He has given us His Spirit AND girlfriends. We are all blesssed to be moms and are trying to do the very best we can at raising the children God has entrusted to us. Although we love our job (most days), it can be difficult. Being able to draw support from other moms is vital to our survival. Some days we just need that reminder to "keep looking up" for our strength. Being a mom might be one of the toughest jobs out there, but there is no doubt about it, it is one of the most important and precious jobs to be done on this side of heaven.