Hello Ladies,
Just a friendly reminder we are in the Ministry Training room across from Noah’s Park for this Thursday’s meeting. Rebekah will be talking about Intimacy, exactly what it is in a marriage and how to get more of it. Sounds like a great topic. Can’t wait to hear the message.
Also, please remember that Thursday is also our Culver’s fundraiser. Plan on meeting up with other moms at Culver’s on 75th street for some fellowship, lunch and good ice cream following the meeting!! The fundraiser goes the entire day so if you can’t make it for lunch, maybe a quick ice cream after school for the kids or dinner out….no cooking!!!
Toni is also in need for some meals this week. She has a doctor appointment tonight and is afraid they may put her in the hospital for a short stay due to an infection. Please be praying for her and her girls and husband. If you can make a meal this week or next it would be greatly appreciated. Also, I know the cards in the mail and the prayers have made a great impact on her ability to hang in there. Please continue to cover her in prayer and support her as the Lord lays on your heart. Let me know if you can do a meal.
Remember, God has a great plan for your life!!!!! And although He has the plan, It is our responsibility to be taking care of ourselves, to be in prayer and to be in His Word so that that plan and path is laid out clear for us to see and walk in. I am so thankful for the sisters in Christ I have to encourage me and support me along the way. I am sure you agree and so as you read this, please say a prayer for your secret sister and stand in the gap for her and her family.
See you all on Thursday!
In Him,